Monday, October 22, 2012

Obama's Top 3 Accomplishments

1.He led Congress and the Federal Reserve, acted quickly to shore up a financial system and job market in free fall, held us back from a entering a depression.
2.Even though many were opposed the idea Obama decided to bailout the American auto industry which resulted in an undeniable success.
3.His first act as President was to sign the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a bill designed to break down wage discrimination barriers for women.
Carter, Brian 10 Reasons Why I Will Be Voting for You President Obama Obtained 10/22/2012


  1. I think that all of your reasoing is vey good. It is good to see that all that he has done is a great job so far.

  2. i like your reasons why you voted for president Obama Many people fail to see the great job he has done for this country
