Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Are These Classes Necessary?

I started college about 3 years ago. My first class that I took was public speaking and strategies for success. Although, I greatly enjoyed the topics that we discussed during these classes I began to wonder if this class was absolutly, necessary. I am sure that I am not the alone in asking this question. By the time we graduate one can't help but think where all these classes that  I have taken all of these years absolutly beneficial and helpful for my career. This is a normal question for any student. I'm sure you remember in elementry contemplating the relevance of learning algebra or learning about the cold war. Are these "extra classes" a ploy to collect more money from students? Or are these classes beneficial to your future career. I'm sure the extra information learned during these courses would be beneficial for enlightened conversations at a cocktail party but is it really beneficial to our major and our career that we are working toward.

-Chardonnay Badchkam

1 comment:

  1. I agree, a lot of these classes are not necessary, a lot of the work we do in the classes isn't necessary either. I do feel it's just to extract more money from the students, and also prolong our education. Think about it, who decided and determine the amount of time to complete a degree, and why?
