Monday, October 8, 2012

Obama Healthcare Bad Decision

I can honestly say that Obama really tried hard during his four year term. He tried his best to fix the economy but his efforts were futile. I believe in his effort to "make a change" the economy remained stagnant. With the healthcare reform he tried to implement free health care for Americans, but his efforts may have been the downfall of America's future. It seems great that we have free healthcare. But where are we getting the resources to provide this free healthcare? I believe around 2015 our economy will drastically fall because of inflated taxes to pay for this healthcare iniciative. In concluclusion naiive American's may think free healthcare is a great idea. But it will not be great when in five years we pay extra in taxes (for example a stick of gum costs 10 bux). He tried his best but I believe his decisiion was border line socialism that is not what America is about in the least bit.


  1. well i think it will be a good thing if everyone can afford or can have health insurance. i konw that i will pay just a little bit extra taxes, but i will be able to go to doctors without thinking if i could afford it.

  2. I totally agree with you! U said a mouth full. hopefully everything gets better!

  3. It is not a little bit in extra taxes it is ALOT extra and it will be the downfall of the ecomony.

  4. Free healthcare for whom? Many Americans are still paying out of pocket for healthcare. Lets face it, the economy was royally messed up before Obama was elected. I strongly believe it will ramain so for a while. Taxes will come out of our pockets no matter what. There truly are americans that need healthcare and can't afford it. Especially the elderly. Research has shown that communities that take care of each other strive and live longer healthier lives. We really should learn from them.

  5. Healthcare might be affordable but everything else won't be affordable because of raised taxes for free healthcare. The irony of it is unbelievalbly funny but sad.

  6. although i m an xtrme Obama supporter i have to agree but at the same time we are still paying for healthcare as we speek and we already pay most taxes in america any way
